What You Need to Know:Solar Lease Rates

How a Solar Lease Buyout Can Benefit You

Did you know that your solar ground lease has a liquid value? Although you are receiving rent payments from the solar farm operator for the use of your land, a solar lease buyout is another way to tap the value of your lease. It allows you to receive the current value of your lease in a lump sum cash payment that can be used for immediate financial needs or longer-term investments.

Why do property owners seek a solar lease buyout? For some, it’s a matter of needing cash to cover an urgent financial need such as medical expenses, college tuition, debt reduction or a tax bill. Others liquidate their lease and use the cash to buy real estate, buy or expand a business, or make other investments. Whatever the reason, Landmark Dividend is able to purchase the lease, close the transaction quickly, and put a lump sum cash payment into our clients’ hands.

Your solar lease is a financial asset. A solar lease buyout is also ideal for those who recognize that the real value of a solar lease lies in its potential growth as a cash investment. To fully appreciate this concept, consider your solar lease for what it really is: a financial asset. Like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, retirement accounts, bank CDs or any other financial asset that you may own, a solar lease represents a portion of your personal wealth. And like any financial asset, it carries risk.

Although rent reduction or decommissioning of your solar site is possible, the risk is statistically low. The far greater risk is opportunity cost. That means losing out on the opportunity to earn better growth from a financial asset. Applied to your solar lease, it means that investing the cash proceeds from the sale of your lease – whether in real estate, land, equities or a business – can often provide significantly stronger growth over the next 10, 20 or 30 years, compared to the cumulative monthly rent in that same time period.

Selling your solar lease does not affect your ownership of your land or your ability to sell it. Moreover, if a rent reduction or site decommissioning occurs after you sell your lease to Landmark, it does not affect your transaction. You get to keep all of your money. Landmark Dividend buys thousands of leases every year, so we expect and can absorb losses from the small number of sites that lose their income stream each year.

We’re here to help you make best decision about selling your solar lease. Landmark Dividend is the largest and most experienced ground lease monetization company in the nation. If your solar site qualifies, we are interested in purchasing your solar lease for a substantial cash payment. There is never a cost or obligation to speak with us about the liquid value of your solar lease. We freely share our vast knowledge about the solar industry, local rents and market trends with our clients. There is never a cost or obligation to speak with us.

Please call us today at 1-800-843-2024 for more information or click here to submit your information online so we can contact you. Even if we don’t complete a transaction, our discussion will leave you better informed about your solar lease, particularly its market value.

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