Landmark Dividend is a ground lease acquisition company. Our clients include individuals, corporations, municipalities, faith-based organizations, government institutions and any other type of entity that may own a wind energy lease.
If you receive monthly rent for one or more wind turbines on your property, then Landmark Dividend is interested in speaking to you. In exchange for your lease, we provide a lump sum of cash, allowing you to convert your lease into immediate capital. We provide unique financial solutions to help you capitalize on your wind energy lease.
Unlock the value of your wind energy lease today!
Many of our clients – some of whom are your neighbors – find that selling their lease for an upfront cash payment creates superior long term value when they invest their capital in a business, farm or real estate. Others use their cash for college or medical expenses, to reduce debt or fund their retirement.
What is your wind energy lease worth? Find out FREE!
Even if you don’t need cash right now, doesn’t it make sense to know the market value of your lease? If your site meets our criteria, we can provide you with a no-obligation analysis and valuation. Please call us at 1-844-722-0113 or click here to submit your information online so that we may contact you.